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American Water Wells
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 Mathematical Model Predication

Electromagnetics extract information from the subsurface.

Utilizing this instrument provides the

optimum analysis available for water locating.

Simple: Water collects in fractures - To find water zones - Find Fractures.

If there is any water beneath your property,

it would collect more readily in porous / fractured earth.

There is no other method or web page that has

duplicated/paralleled our successes consistently.

  Audio “Savings”

Technique:  Electro Magnetic Soundings: 

Mathematically images the major geomorphic expressions

revealing the geoeletric signature for fracturing.

Video, How It Works

See what you are drilling into, (color) mathematical X-ray picture

of your property.

Aquifer: geologic formation of porous granitics / fracture systems that contain a degree of water.

Below;   Black represents porous / fractured earth.

       White represents HARD ROCK

Above: Cross Section of The Earth, a Vertical Slice - Mathematical Model Predication.
Cross section view, mathematical X-ray of property, showing porous and fractured

aquifer system in subsurface.
A cross section is like cutting an apple vertical in half

and viewing the inner mechanical fabric.

  It's very simple, like an X-ray
        - Black represents: Porous and or fractured formations. Water collecting zones.
        - White represents: Harder compressed granitics, above illustration.

If there is any water beneath your property,

it would collect more readily within the black area.
The heart of the black area should be the approximate drilling target for your water well.

Black arrow in the chart shows the area where a water witcher (dowser), would select for drilling.  Upper right hand corner.   Not in the optimum area.

Only computer technology can image the geometry of your subsurface like an X-ray.

*The Computer Scan shows you the drilling target, where to drill for the potential of water and the Computer Scan will show you where not to drill.

Computerized electronic instrumentation generates
more coherent subsurface geological data.

With this information you eliminate misleading advice based on
inaccurate or inappropriate surface studies.

You then can make better informed drilling decisions, and you
will be able to pinpoint your drilling targets more precisely.

Reliable    Affordable    Economical


760 . 742 . 3727



Hard Rock

 Do Not Drill

 In White


  Profile Of


Presentation SaveDrillingExpenseMp3.mp3

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