Introduction Scientific Videos Testimonials FAQ's Aquifers
American Water Wells
Interpertation Technique Advantages Statistics Price Contact License Water Witching Drillers

Los Angeles

Price Schedule

If an aquifer system is flowing thru the your parcel,

we will see it 100% of the time.

Los Angeles - Local California Area.

Total fee for the hydrology survey, including Hydrologists Pdf report.

       >           * $2,450.00, one hour survey can scan across up to 2 acres.

                             Or used too confirm a driller’s target, etc.

       >           * $2,950.00, two (2) hour survey scans up to 5 acres.

                             Or used as an exploratory survey on larger parcels.

       >           *  $3,450.00, three (3) hour survey scans up to 10 acres.

                             Or used as an exploratory survey on larger parcels.

       >                Transportation is at a fee of $75 per hour, round trip.

 * Groundwater Surveys are based on time, accessibility and terrain will dictate how much can be surveyed in a given amount of time. The acreage quoted for the hourly fee may or may not cover the entire section of land.

Utilizing Three (3) proprietary interpretations, two mathematical formulas.

The most accurate proprietary analysis available.

Only offered by Radar Water.      Advantages

For the better results (rather than just one software) our methods

extract more usable data that defines the subsurface signature.

Prospective client realized, “”Better Safe Than Sorry””.

June 2017, Driller’s recommendation.  Witching.               

5th. well on parcel.

For computer targets, you will need to hire the best “mechanical” well driller.

Most drillers cannot complete the drilling on Radar Water’s targets.

 The advantages of our technique over other techniques.

1. Utilizing mathematical proprietary formulas to identify the

   "Heart of the Aquifer".

2. Identifying not just a single fracture but multiple fractures/a-zone-of-fractured,

    porous earth.  Water collects in fractured porous earth.

3. This is a proprietary analysis for high capacity water wells.

5. Technique recognized by Dr. Charles T. Young of

    Michigan Technological University.

6. More water at less depth of  drilling.

This service is much less than a;

     1. dry well,

2. deep well

3. or a low producing well.


Contact:    Tony  “The Water Guy”  at:


 Google Reviews.

 Phone:  760 . 742 . 3727

Three (3) advantages, of computer generated targets - $3,500 PLUS for each 100 feet NOT drilled - Produces more water at less depth - Also saving thousands of dollars in pumping equipment & electricity - No need for drilling 1000 to 1500 feet in depth 90% of the time -
Technique acknowledged by Dr. Charles T. Young, Associate Professor of Geo Physical Engineering at Michigan Technological University.

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Magee Road Pauma 6-20-17 Final-short====.wav JulieAudio 1500Ft dry well.wav