La Cresta
La Cresta
2011 La Cresta, homeowner received just over 100 gpm at a dept of 325 feet.
Mr. Matt Ghaber, 20150 Avenida de Arboles, La Cresta, Murrieta, Clinton Keith area, 7-10-07, 50 GPM @ 600 feet. Driller was AAA Drilling **
Stewart Cameron received 200 gpm "+". Well driller stated to me that the well produced over 300 gpm. Driller was Fred - Rancho Water Wells **
(25) Detailed survey produces the best results.
Drilling target on far right of profile. Driller was LO Lynch. **

Riverside, Benton Road area. Neighbor drilled some bad water-witched wells. C Keys decided to play it safe and selected a detailed survey. She stopped drilling at around 200 feet for she was receiving 10 GPM. Her subsurface was fractal throughout. Where ever she would have drilled she would have received some water but the most water would be at the computer generated target on the far right.
Driller said that he thinks there is a lot more water below the 200 foot level.
(26) Detailed survey produces the best results.
Note: UPDATE: On 11-17-02 I heard that this 10 acre parcel now has 11 wells on it. No usable water at this date.

Drilling target on the left side of profile. At Clinton Keith, highway 15 area. First well was a bad Witched wells.
Driller was LO Lynch **
(27) Detailed survey produces the best results.
Riverside Benton and Sage area. Drilling target on left side of profile.
Driller was LO Lynch **

Terry has in escrow 10 prime acres with 2 existing water wells on it. One pump tested I believe at 1/2 GPM and the other was nothing at 400 to 500 feet deep. Witching targets.
Terry requested a WaterLocating.Com detailed survey, drilled, and at the end of a 20 hour pump test was receiving around 8 GPM.
Drilling over the aquifer system affords you a good chance of receiving more water if you drill a little deeper than 600 feet.
Terry stopped at around 725 feet and completed escrow.
Riverside Clinton Keith and Hwy 15. Driller was Stehly Drilling. **

Homeowner Gene Powell knew there was a lot of water beneath his property as the profile indicates but wanted to be "Safe rather than Sorry". Highly fractal geometries requires in-depth analysis and required additional profiling. Due to setbacks' he drilled on the 2nd target which was on the edge of the hydro-geological zone producing a yield of approximately 90 GPM within a 300 foot depth of drilling.
** The mentioned driller at each Testimonial is not a recommendation to his services.
It’s to let you know that all drillers have hit numerous successful water wells on computer generated targets. Do not let the dishonest drillers fool you.