Specializing in Aquifer Location
28 years of technical experience specializing in aquifer geometrics.
My Home, imagine your landscape dream.
TEXT Message 760-825-9046
During the development of a sales video I received many phone calls from your back country neighbors that had just drilled a well with poor results. 40% of the calls were woman so I realized, rather than a sales video I needed to inform the public, both women and men, as to well drilling.
I had to make the videos educational, longer than a 3 minute sales video for the benefit of the public.
Many suggestions for the development of the videos came from neighbors with poor wells.
Please feel free and confident to make any suggestion or comment.
Information expressed within is fact and opinions.
All geoelectric information extracted is viewed as proprietary.
All knowledge of equipments, their inner workings, softwares and software analysis are proprietary.
If you require a report/commentary, a licensed Geologist will produce the report/commentary in Ca.
Tony's technical background; held a First Class FCC License with a Radar Endorsement.
Disclaimer; WaterLocating.Com is a technician and does not hold a license in Geology or GeoP.
We do water prospecting, mining to find water for home & grove water wells.
All work is supervised by a California Licensed Geologist, David W. Abbott, PG, CHG
License number, Certified Hydrogeologist #36, Professional Geologist #4310.
David W. Abbott has become our “Technical Director”.
Link for bio: of Hydrologists Dave Abbott.
brief Bio is located at the Groundwater Resources Association of California https://www.grac.org/david-abbott/
Disclaimer; technical information herein stems from WaterLocating's research/opinion and does not necessarily conform to any standard publish technical information
used/relied-on in California or elsewhere.
This technical information from my research is supported by the successes stated within Testimonials.
Radar Water Inc. makes no claims as to the accuracy of views as to geological formations
other than success published in Testimonials and information stated on this web page.
Information described is placed into a laymen's format for understanding.
Final survey analysis is conducted by our Technical Advisor, Licensed Hydrologist.
* All Rights Reserved.*
* NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the property of Radar Water Inc.
* The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein are proprietary to Radar Water Inc.
*And may be covered by U.S. and Foreign Patents, patents in process, softwares in progress and are protected by non-disclosure agreements, confidentiality agreements, trade secrets or copyright law.
* Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden
unless prior written permission is obtained from Radar Water Inc.
The well driller's log is the conclusive evidence as to geological formations for surveys.
Health Departments of San Diego, Riverside and all other Counties in California, do not require a licensee to pull a permit to sign/stamp, plans/reports/documents for
selecting water well drilling sites for homeowners.
Radar Water does not guarantee any amount of water, exact depth of aquifer parameters
nor the flow rate in Gallon Per Minute nor the quality of water.
No instrument can identify flow rate prior to drilling.
All videos are loaned and are the sole property of Water-Well-Info LLC - www.Water-well-info.com.
Views expressed by media etc. from second/third parties, other web sites or
clients (forums) are not the views of this web site.
False Statements: Please be informed that there are no other companies
affiliated with Radar Water Inc. We have not franchised.
Other companies do not use the softwares that are proprietary to Radar Water Inc.
Supervises projects and is licensed in Ca. To practice Geology.
Disclaimer; technical information herein stems from WaterLocating's research/opinion and does not necessarily conform to any standard publish technical information used/relied-on in California or elsewhere.
This technical information from my research is supported
by the successes stated within Testimonials.
Radar Water Inc. makes no claims as to the accuracy of views as to geological formations other than success published in Testimonials and information stated on this web page.
Information described is placed into a laymen's
format for understanding.
* All Rights Reserved.*
* NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and
remains the property of Radar Water Inc.
* The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein
are proprietary to Radar Water Inc.
*And may be covered by U.S. and Foreign Patents, patents in process, softwares in progress and are protected by non-disclosure agreements, confidentiality agreements, trade secrets or copyright law.
* Dissemination of this information or reproduction
of this material is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained from Radar Water Geological Inc.
The well driller's log is the conclusive evidence as to geological formations for all types of geological surveys.
Health Departments of San Diego, Riverside and all other Counties in California, do not require a licensee to pull a permit to sign/stamp, plans/reports/documents for selecting water well drilling sites for homeowners.
WaterLocating.Com does not guarantee any amount of water in Gallon Per Minute nor the quality of water.
All videos loaned are the sole property of Water-Well-Info LLC - Water-well-info.com.
Views expressed by media etc. from second/third parties, other web sites or
clients (forums) are not the views of this web site.
Explain your situation in email, BEST.
Contact: Tony The Water Guy at:
Email WaterLocating@gmail.com
Phone 760 . 742 . 3727 Land Line
I live in the mountains, get home late, early evening, will return calls.
Best Email: WaterLocating@gmail.com
Right now Phone - office is down
TEXT Message 760-825-9046